
What is Beesaviours?

Its purpose is to conserve bees—not only honey bees but indigenous pollinators as well.

Beesaviours was originally conceived as a charity, however, on reflection we decided to incorporate as a company which will evolve into a Co-operative. Either way, the original objectives of Beesaviours remain the same and are:

  • The offering of free bee rescue services,
  • To promote awareness of the current global plight of the honey bee and indigenous bees in Australia and worldwide,
  • To provide an advisory service on planting for bees, caring for bees and pollinators,
  • To actively campaign against the use of pesticides and fungicides including Neonicotinoids, and Glyphosate that have been proven to have detrimental effects on honey bees,
  • To maintain and create future bee sanctuaries,
  • To Promote chemical free bee keeping,
  • To research and develop chemical free topical treatments for bee whilst promoting and educating people on bio dynamic bee keeping principles and its continued relevance.

We currently have deployments of a large numbers of hives, and our preference is for permanent sites that can support bees throughout the year without the need to move.

We are currently applying for organic accreditation and have developed the business along the lines of bio dynamic organic.

How can I become a BeesAviour?

To become a bee saviour is easy. All you need to do is adopt a hive/s, which can be completely managed by us or you can get involved and learn the art.

If you have a vacant lot ranging from 20 to 100 hectares and want to create a bee sanctuary we can develop it with you and our co-operative (a group of emerging beekeepers).

We can provide a range of bee friendly shrubs and indigenous plants that are cultivated by Golden Plains Honey.

We typically share yield in honey or money with large deployments of beehives but prefer to keep the total deployed in a given area to a reasonable number.

We provide the bees’, hives and management, extraction and distribution of the product. All sites have to be subject to risk assessment, and if successful, we will inform you of the outcome and the way forward.

For information about adopting a hive click here.